Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD, Tema: Parts of the Body

Ketika mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, tentu kita juga harus mengenali bagian-bagian tubuh kita. Bagaimana kita menyebutnya, dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk membantu teman-teman mempelajari Bahasa Inggris pada materi Partf of the Body atau bagian tubuh, simak Latihan soal Bahasa Inggris berikut ini ya. 

Jawaban dari pertanyaan sudah tersedia di akhir soal. Jadi, silakan simak sebaik-baiknya. 


1.Which part of the body do we use to see?

a. Nose
b. Mouth
c. Eyes
d. Ears

2.We use our _____ to hear sounds.

a. Eyes
b. Ears
c. Nose
d. Hands

3.What do we use to smell?

a. Nose
b. Mouth
c. Ears
d. Hands

4.We have ten _____ on our hands.

a. Toes
b. Fingers
c. Eyes
d. Ears

5.What part of the body is between the head and the shoulders?

a. Hand
b. Neck
c. Foot
d. Knee

6.We use our _____ to chew food.

a. Tongue
b. Nose
c. Eyes
d. Ears

7.What part of the body do we use to walk?

a. Hands
b. Feet
c. Eyes
d. Nose

8.The _____ helps us to taste food.

a. Teeth
b. Tongue
c. Ear
d. Eye

9.Which part of the body pumps blood?

a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Stomach
d. Lungs

10.The hair is on the _____.

a. Hand
b. Head
c. Foot
d. Knee

11.What part of the body do we use to write?

a. Legs
b. Hands
c. Nose
d. Ears

12.The _____ is inside our mouth and helps us speak.

a. Tongue
b. Nose
c. Eyes
d. Feet

13.What do we use to kick a ball?

a. Hands
b. Feet
c. Ears
d. Eyes

14.The part of the body that connects the arm to the hand is called _____.

a. Knee
b. Finger
c. Wrist
d. Elbow

15.We have two _____ that help us bend our arms.

a. Knees
b. Elbows
c. Shoulders
d. Toes

16.The place where the leg bends is called the _____.

a. Shoulder
b. Knee
c. Toe
d. Neck

17.We wear a ring on our _____.

a. Finger
b. Nose
c. Ear
d. Knee

18.The _____ helps us breathe.

a. Stomach
b. Lungs
c. Eyes
d. Heart

19.The part of the body that helps us digest food is the _____.

a. Stomach
b. Lungs
c. Eyes
d. Hands

20.What part of the body do we use to hug someone?

a. Legs
b. Hands
c. Toes
d. Ears

Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SD

Lembar Jawaban & Penjelasan

1.c. Eyes → We use our eyes to see.

2.b. Ears → Our ears help us hear sounds.

3.a. Nose → The nose is used for smelling.

4.b. Fingers → We have ten fingers on our hands.

5.b. Neck → The neck connects the head and the shoulders.

6.a. Tongue → The tongue helps in chewing and tasting food.

7.b. Feet → Feet help us walk.

8.b. Tongue → The tongue helps us taste food.

9.b. Heart → The heart pumps blood through the body.

10.b. Head → Hair grows on the head.

11.b. Hands → We use our hands to write.

12.a. Tongue → The tongue helps us speak.

13.b. Feet → We use our feet to kick a ball.

14.c. Wrist → The wrist connects the arm and the hand.

15.b. Elbows → The elbow allows us to bend our arms.

16.b. Knee → The knee helps us bend our legs.

17.a. Finger → Rings are worn on fingers.

18.b. Lungs → Lungs help us breathe.

19.a. Stomach → The stomach helps digest food.

20.b. Hands → We use our hands to hug.

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