Materi Weather and Seasons: Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Tematik

Materi bahasa Inggris kelas 5 juga mempelajari tentang weather and seasons atau cuaca dan musim. Untuk mengetahui kemampuanmu dalam memahami weather and seasons, yuk coba kerjakan soal di bawah ini.

Materi Weather and Seasons: Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Tematik

1. After the rain, sometimes we can see colors in the sky. It is called...

  1. Rainbow
  2. Moon
  3. Star
  4. Sun

2. Before it rains, the sky usually...

  1. Shiny
  2. Snowing
  3. Cloudy
  4. Dry

3. What people bring to go outside when its rain?

  1. Shoes
  2. Umbrella
  3. Handphone
  4. Bag

4. It was very ... in the winter.

  1. Cloudy
  2. Warm
  3. Hot 
  4. Cold 

5. it was very ... in the summer

  1. Cloudy
  2. Warm
  3. Hot 
  4. Cold 

6. How many seasons are in Indonesia?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

7. It’s hot and sunny. People go to the beach on holiday. It must be...

  1. Winter season
  2. Autumn season
  3. Summer season
  4. Spring season

8. The flowers are blooming in...

  1. Winter
  2. Autumn
  3. Summer
  4. Spring

9. The weather is dry season is...

  1. Hot
  2. Cold
  3. Wet
  4. Dry

10. People need to bring ... in the dry season.

  1. Jackets
  2. Books
  3. Hats 
  4. Shoes

To answer number 11-15, please read this!

Indonesia is a tropical country. Indonesia has two seasons, they are rainy season dry season. When rainy season come, many villages and ricefields can be drawn. Indonesia only has two season because Indonesia located in the world equator line. When the dry season come, many villages in small island have a problem to find good water for drink. The rice field can not be planted.

11. What is text about?

  1. Indonesia’s seasons
  2. Indonesia island
  3. Located Indonesia
  4. Rainy season and dry season

12. Indonesia has two seasons, they are ... season and ... season.

  1. Rainy and dry
  2. Spring and summer
  3. Autumn and spring
  4. Spring and winter

13. Why does Indonesia has those seasons?

  1. Indonesia has two season
  2. Indonesia is a big country
  3. Indonesia located in equator line
  4. Indonesia island

14. The rice field can not be planted in the...

  1. Rainy seasons
  2. Dry seasons
  3. Summer seasons
  4. Winter seasons

15. When the dry season come, many villages in small island have a problem to find good ... for drink?

  1. Land
  2. Filed
  3. Rice
  4. Water

16. There are ... seasons in Europe.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

17. It is very ... I want to swimming.

  1. Cold
  2. Rain
  3. Stromy
  4. Hot

18. I will go to school, but it is rain now. What must I wear to the school?

  1. Rain coat
  2. Dress
  3. Shoes
  4. Book

19. We wear heavy clothes like gloves, coat, and scarf in ...

  1. Spring
  2. Winter 
  3. Summer 
  4. Autumn

20. In summer, we usually wear...

  1. Tshirt
  2. Soat
  3. Sweater
  4. Blazer 

Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SD


1. A. Rainbow

Setelah hujan, kita biasanya dapat melihat rainbow (pelangi)

2. C. Cloudy

 Sebelum hujan, langit biasanya cloudy (mendung/berawan)

3. B. Umbrella

Yang biasa dibawa saat hujan adalah umbrella (payung)

4. D. Cold

Suhu sangat cold (dingin) saat musim dingin

5. C. Hot

Suhu sangat hot (panas) saat musim panas

6. B. 2

Indonesia memiliki dua musim yaitu musim hujan dan musim kemarau

7. C. Summer

Ini panas dan cerah. Orang pergi ke pantai untuk liburan di musim panas

8. D. Spring

Bunga bermekaran di spring (musim semi)

9. A. Hot

Suhu saat musim kemarau hot (panas)

10. C. Hats

Orang memakai hats (topi) saat musim kemarau

11. A. Indonesia’s season

Teks di atas menjelaskan tentang musim di Indonesia

12. A. Rainy and dry

Indonesia memiliki dua musim yaitu rainy seasons (musim hujan) dan dry season (musim kemarau)

13. C. Indonesia located in equator line

Indonesia hanya memiliki dua musim karena Indonesia terletak di garis khatulistiwa

14. B. Dry season

Sawah tidak dapat ditanami padi saat dry season (musim kemarau)

15. D. Water

Jawaban yang tepat adalah D

16. D. 4

Eropa memiliki 4 musim yaitu spring, summer, autumn, dan winter

17. D. Hot

Ini sangat hot (panas) aku ingin berenang

18. A. Rain coat

Au akan pergi ke sekolah, tetapi sekarang ini sedang hujan. Yang hasru dikenakan saat sekolah adalah rain coat (jas hujan)

19. B. Winter

Kita menggunakan pakaian tebal, sarung tangan, mantel, dan scarf saat musim winter (dingin)

20. A. Tshirt

Saat musim panas, kita biasanya memakai tshirt (kaos)

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